Strengths as a superpower: 5 ways to boost your career doing what you are good at
How do you normally feel when you are at work?
Upbeat, energised? Or dreading the next task project or even crisis?
If you more often experience the latter - feeling drained by the work you do, its a sign that you night be spending more time working on things that are not exactly strengths of yours. The constant stretch out of your comfort zone or enjoyment is zapping your energy and that has the potential to hold back your career.
While it’s obviously not possible ALL of the time to work to your strengths, planning for it most of the time or as often as possible really does make a difference!
The reasons for a strengths based approach
Apart from being easier and more enjoyable, there are 5 reasons why I advocate for a strengths based approach when it comes to how we spend most of our time at work.
1.Enhanced productivity and efficiency
Leveraging your innate skills can actually lead you to be a lot more productive and efficient because it's more likely that you enter an incredible state of flow. It is amazing what happens when you align with what you naturally good at - you can get so much more done, in less time and still have the energy to do other things later in the day (work or personal!)
2.Increased job satisfaction
Now we all know work shouldn't be a chore, right?! it should be a source of joy or fulfilment. Its obvious then that when you spend time working on projects or in ways that are aligned to your strengths most of the time gievs you an increased sense of satisfaction as you will mostly be feeling like “job well done” and that in itself enhances your intrinsic motivation to want to continue a hell of a lot more than if you are constantly working on things that feel hard or draining
3.Learning curves
Embracing our strengths does not mean the absence of challenges! It means facing them with a smile and enjoyment because we can see how our strengths apply to unpicking the problem at hand and contributing to its solution in a meaningful way. It supercharges your learning curve like having a secret weapon because you are building on what you are already good at and going from there, like a springboard!
4.Boosting your self-confidence
Confidence, as we all know isn't about pretending to have it all figured out it is about knowing what you're good at and feeling self assured because of that because it matches the needs of the task at hand. When you know that you are leaning into natural strengths or even skills that you have built up over time you can feel more confident to figure out what is ahead of you. Embracing the idea this is always a bit of a journey rather than a destination also re-affirms confidence
5.Innovation and creativity
Now the secret really is here in this final point becuase when you really sync with your strengths you are much better able to be creative and innovate and find novel solutions when you very least expect. If you think about this in your career what new solutions can you create for clients or jobs can you see you would be a great fit for when you take this approach?!
Uncover your strengths today
So if you feel like you're spending too much time on tasks and work that drains you rather than lights you up consider it you might not be playing to your strengths. See if you can challenge yourself to bring your strengths more into your daily work and see how it changes your energy dynamic
So, reflect on your strengths, really play with what makes you unique and tap into what unfolds when you focus on what you want naturally good at!
Recommended reading for this topic includes
The Confidence Code - Katy Kay and Claire Shipman
Dare to Lead - Brene Brown
Or try taking the free VIA Character Strengths assessment