Hi, I’m Lara Meyer

I’m a coach who is committed to supporting senior leaders in the research and insights industry to have happier, more fulfilling and successful careers (and grow their teams and businesses while doing it!)

How did I get here?

Throughout my near 20 year research and insights career, I’ve worked agency, client side and now for myself.

I’ve lived in many countries across the globe and done research in and travelled to many more.

I’ve led teams large and small...

I know the funny jargon of research, what really makes a learning you can take action on and the politics of landing a sensitive insight.

I ALSO know intimately the late nights, demanding clients, the stress of too many projects with not enough team members to really deliver…

I could go on…

but the point is, I know this industry like the back of my hand

Throughout my illustrious insights career, sometimes I was uber confident, other times I felt like an imposter.

I always wanted my teams to be well supported, but often left my own personal growth until last....

Once I got a coach, that changed massively!

That was when I put myself first, shook things up, created a vision and inspired my team and others around me.

Outside of work, I also re-discovered things that felt good to me.

It was SO transformative.

I knew I wanted to add coaching to my skillset and help others in the industry get that same buzz.

It was SO transformative

Through my own personal growth journey, I reconnected to things that soothe my stress and ALSO bring me clam, peace and joy.

Yoga YES!

Painting YES!

My cats YES!

Reading self improvement books YES!

ONe of my recent artworks, being creative helps me focus
The challenging poses of yoga are one of the few things that can calm my mind
A few of my favourite personal development reads

Embracing my love of travel and adventure, my husband and I moved to the Middle East.

I started to explore how I wanted to evolve my own career and re-designed the way I worked to serving the insights industry in two ways…

Initially setting up my consulting business, Scale Up Insight, I started working with companies that had big ambitions, helping them to unlock insights that ignite growth

And alongside this training as a coach, and earning my coaching certification with the International Coaching Federation!

My two missions as a coach for the insights industry

  1. Spread the teachings of Positive Intelligence and good mental fitness so that as many people in our industry can have a more positive working life

  2. Closing the gender pay gap because I believe that gender equality is the first step towards a more diverse and inclusive sector overall

My coaching philosophy is based on… 

Evidence backed techniques

Everything underpinned by substantial research, and where applicable using technology to support learning and growth

Small edits for big impact

Making small incremental changes before you get to a major burnout / breakdown is possible and can absolutely change your life

Laugh and have fun

Often coaching topics are personal, sensitive and emotionally charged, but it can be fun! Don’t be surprised if we regularly laugh together

I’m a certified member of the International Coaching Federation and trained with gold standard coaching schools Co-Active & Positive Intelligence

What my clients say about working with me

As a coach, I partner with senior leaders and businesses within the research and insights space to bring out the best in themselves, their teams and their companies

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