Want to inspire and motivate your research teams?

Book me as a motivational speaker

Throughout my near 20 year research and insights career, I’ve learned the funny jargon of research, the satisfaction of landing a critical insight, as well as the late nights of pulling together a presentation under pressure….

I could go on, but the point is, I intimately know the joys and the stresses of this industry like the back of my hand. 

And now as a coach, I’m set on expanding my impact by sharing my most impactful lessons and success strategies with your teams to motivate and inspire them to be their best. 

Living in Bahrain and working remotely with most of my clients, I’m the ideal person to add value with virtual talks and workshops. That said, I’m a regular traveller and love hosting face to face sessions if that is what you need. 

I’ve given talks for

What People Are Saying

“Lara did a great virtual session on Imposter Syndrome for our team as part of our International Women's Day event, which was open to the whole team (i.e. all genders!).

It was great to get an external perspective from a senior leader who knows research, as this made it really relatable. It has helped us open up a number of conversations internally about vulnerability and career development, which are so important for us as a business and for our team.

Thank you Lara, it was great to have you running this session.”

Karen Schofield, Head of People & Qual, Blue Yonder

Lara is great. She delivered a fantastic session on Imposter Syndrome to the UK Savanta team.

As well as making it relatable and authentic by telling us her story, she came armed with tips, tools, and tricks about how to overcome it. It took less than 24 hours for me to see the direct impact, as team members started showing me how they had acted on her advice - mainly in meetings with me.

I would definitely recommend getting Lara in to talk to your teams. And I know my team would back me up here.

Caroline Hawkings, CEO, Savanta UK

“Lara Meyer gave a fantastic talk on Imposter Syndrome to The AQR

Our researchers took away insights into how to recognise and overcome behaviours that hold us back in our careers.

Really valuable tips and 'how to's' made this a really vital talk and we recommend listening again online and/or looking out for Lara at other speaking events or even better inviting her to speak!!

Thanks for the inspiration!”

Caroline Noon, on behalf of the AQR

Lara presented a highly thought-provoking webinar for us about Stress Management which was really well received.

Lara encapsulated not only an understanding of what stress is likely to mean for our members but also gave us some really useful tips on how to manage it.

Her style of delivery is calm, authoritative and engaging, and we'd love to work further with her in the future.

The ICG - Expert Independent Researchers

“Lara recently conducted a session in our organization, and I am pleased to say that it was both enlightening and engaging.

The topic of Imposter syndrome resonated deeply with our employees, and Lara's session provided valuable insights and strategies to address this common challenge. Her in-depth knowledge of the subject matter was evident as she seamlessly navigated through the complexities, offering practical solutions and fostering a supportive environment for open discussion.

Her knowledge, expertise, and ability to create an engaging learning environment make her a great choice for any Organization tackling this”

Urmee Saikia Bora - HR Director- Toluna

Stress management is a very important topic.

Lara’s talk gave great value as it gave our people strategies to deal with stress and put the issues into perspective which i think is the main challenge.

These kind of tools are very valuable not just in work but in dealing with everyday life, and by Lara sharing a little of her story, it made it more meaningful. I wished even more people participated in the session.

We would love to have you back, and next time add in more content and time for Q&A”

Mike Balo, Director, ASB

Watch my talk on Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Lara Meyer speaking at Quirks London, May 2023

Having me at your next event will inspire, motivate and energise your teams

What do you get when you book me for a talk?

My talks offer a combination of the latest research on the topic, my personal story and learnings from coaching clients through similar challenges.

Each session delivers practical strategies and advice that your teams can start using straight away. Options for interactive sessions and longer workshops available. 

Example topics include

  • Overcoming Imposter syndrome

  • Mental Fitness & Stress management

  • Building confidence as a new leader

  • Bespoke talks on request

Speaking not what you need right now?

Explore options to work together 1:1 or coach people in your team or business