Facing Our Fears: The Spooky Saboteurs That Hold Us Back
Halloween brings out all kinds of spookiness, but some of the scariest things we face aren’t the ghosts or monsters outside—they’re the ones in our own minds. Our fears and self-imposed limits can be the “haunting” forces that keep us from reaching our full potential.
For me, Halloween isn’t just a time for costumes and candy; it’s a time to reflect on the fears that have lingered in the shadows of my professional life.
Today, I'm facing one of those fears head-on by sharing this post, fully aware that my usual “serious” coaching tone might be replaced with something a bit more playful.
My own saboteurs (or as I call them today, my “spooky saboteurs”) have plenty to say about this risk. So let’s dive into how facing fears can set us free and why it’s worth confronting the thoughts that limit us—even if they’re as spooky as Halloween itself.
What happens when we don’t face our fears?
Fear is natural, but when left unchecked, it grows.
It becomes like a monster hiding in the closet, waiting to jump out anytime we think about stepping outside our comfort zone.
Our fears influence our actions, shaping our habits and behaviours in subtle, often subconscious ways.
For instance, one of my longstanding fears has been around judgment—especially from my colleagues or clients. I want to be seen as a serious, professional coach who adds value and inspires growth, so there’s always been an inner caution against doing anything that might seem “silly” or undermine that image.
But here’s the catch: the more we avoid something out of fear, the stronger that fear becomes...
This is how fears turn into limiting beliefs, convincing us that we have to be a certain way to be successful or respected. For me, it created a belief that if I let my guard down or had fun, it would come at the expense of professionalism. The result? I’ve sometimes been overly strict or cautious in how I show up, afraid to let my more playful side shine through.
Enter the Spooky Saboteurs
In the Positive Intelligence (PQ) framework, these kinds of limiting beliefs and negative inner voices are known as saboteurs. They’re like the shadowy figures in our minds, always ready to whisper doubt, fear, or criticism. In the spirit of Halloween, I’ve given these saboteurs a “spooky” makeover, creating AI versions of them that reveal just how intimidating they can feel!
Each of these saboteurs has an agenda: to keep me “safe” by reminding me of what could go wrong. But they do this at the cost of joy, creativity, and connection. The truth is, they’re not actually protecting me—they’re just creating barriers. PQ teaches us that recognising these saboteurs and naming them weakens their hold, allowing us to replace their criticisms with more supportive, empowering voices.
Take a glance at the 9 saboteur profiles below and see which ones you recognise - maybe in yourself or even in others (as we ALL have saboteurs!)
And, if you’re familiar with he PQ framework, can you guess which of this spooky saboteurs lines up with the original version?
Enjoyment: the antidote to fear
One of the most powerful ways to dismantle a limiting belief is to focus on enjoyment around the thing you fear or tell yourself you cannot do.
Enjoyment isn’t just a pleasant state—it’s an antidote to fear. When we embrace enjoyment, we disrupt the voice of our saboteurs. They can’t stand it when we’re immersed in the present moment or appreciating our work because it undermines their power.
By intentionally focusing on enjoyment, I’ve found that I’m able to show up more genuinely, connect better with others, and let go of the constant need for control or caution. And that is exactly what happened while I was creating those spooky interpretations of the saboteurs and their images!
For me, embracing fun and playfulness means I can connect with my clients on a human level. It means letting down my guard to show the more colourful aspects of my personality, even if the Judge thinks it’s risky.
I’m learning to trust that enjoyment and professionalism can go hand in hand—that being relaxed and genuine doesn’t take away from the value I offer. It enhances it.
Facing your fears today
So, here I am, facing my fear by sharing this Halloween-themed post with all its spooky saboteurs. By putting this out there, I’m embracing a part of myself that I’ve kept hidden, challenging the belief that enjoyment and professionalism can’t coexist.
This is me showing up fully and authentically, proving that the only thing standing in our way is often just our own perception.
Today, I invite you to take a look at your own saboteurs and see which fears they’re feeding off.
Are there any beliefs that have kept you in a box, limited your joy, or held you back from sharing your whole self?
This Halloween, let’s confront our inner ghosts, give them a name, and start to enjoy the freedom that comes with facing our fears.
Happy Halloween—may your spooky saboteurs be a little less scary and a lot less powerful. 🎃
Let’s explore how this can work for you
If you’re ready to face your own fears and confront your inner spooky saboteurs, I invite you to book a free discovery session with me. During our call, we’ll discuss your goals and challenges, and see how PQ training can help you unlock your full potential.