Taking the plunge
Coaching can help you accelerate through challenges, feel more at peace by looking at things through a different perspective or encouraging you to feel, process and let go of emotions and take action towards your goals. That said, many people have yet to experience coaching so plenty of mystery and stigma remain - and it can feel daunting to try something new.
Initially, I too, was resistant to coaching. It is only with hindsight and the fantastic experience I have had with my coaches that got me wondering what might have been if only I had been more open to it sooner…
The first time I was offered executive coaching I clearly remember having had an excellent appraisal at work. We were growing the team significantly and I mentioned that it would be a challenge to transition into a new way of working. My boss suggested it could be a good idea to have a coach, and spoke glowingly about their experience with coaching. Even though the offer was was positioned in a positive way, I became defensive as what I heard was I was not good enough to manage the transition without help. I backed off the idea and, in protecting my ego, missed an opportunity.
The second time I was offered executive coaching was in the wake of a big re-structure and round of redundancies. My role had remained, but was changed dramatically. I was in a new part of the organisation, with a new boss, new team. I was faced with very unclear requirements and expectations and felt totally out of my depth. This time however, I was open to having support, even though I remained somewhat skeptical.
My closed mindset wasn’t helping me and as a result the first few sessions with my coach felt a bit pointless. I didn’t really know what to expect so when there wasn’t ‘magic’ on session one OR two, I questioned whether it was worth it. I had nothing to lose though so I continued, and I am incredibly glad I did. Something shifted in my third session. My coach asked me a question. As I pondered the answer, I realised that I could connect the insight I was uncovering in that moment to the groundwork we had laid in the first two sessions. This momentum then continued to build in the coming weeks.
With the support of my coach, I took charge of redefining my role (literally writing my own job spec) and communicating it to others (including my boss, peers and other stakeholders). My fears of overstepping were not realised. In fact even though I had done it for MYSELF, everyone I shared it with was very welcoming of the clarity that it gave THEM. This gave me a much greater feeling of stability in the role and a platform from which to move ahead - all in less than 3 months.
Coaching is now part of my lifestyle, but reflecting on this turning point made me wonder, where would I be now if I had the courage to take the plunge sooner?
If you are ready to take the plunge with a coach, why don’t you dip your toe in the water (so to speak!) with me and book a complimentary 30m consultation?
We can talk about what you are feeling stuck with and what I might be able to help with.
I’ll make some recommendations and if its a good fit to work together, we can take it from there. And if not, you’re better informed to make the call when you do meet the right coach!