Don’t let January dictate your entire year
As the final days of January unfold, it's natural to reflect on the month that has passed, evaluating the progress made and contemplating the goals set at the beginning of the year. For many of us, this period can evoke a range of emotions – relief, satisfaction, but perhaps also a tinge of disappointment.
Perspectives on time
We all have the tendency to overestimate what can be achieved in a short span (a day, week or month) and underestimate what can be achieved in a year. But there is ALWAYS room to grow. So with that in mind, if you have not quite achieved what you wanted in January, its ok! Think about what is possible for you over the quarter or year instead. Here are some tips to help you do that!
1. Celebrate the Wins, Big or Small: Begin this reflection with celebration. Acknowledge and appreciate the strides, regardless of their size. The mere act of embarking on a journey towards personal and professional betterment is commendable. Whether you made significant progress or encountered setbacks, each step is a nod to your commitment to growth.
2. Recognise the Power of Consistency: The human tendency to overestimate what can be accomplished in a day or a month often leads to under-appreciating the impact of consistent effort over time. Progress may not always be linear, and that's perfectly okay. Recognise the power of small, consistent actions, which, when compounded, yield remarkable results.
3. Embrace the Journey, Not Just the Destination: Shift the focus from the end goal to the journey itself. Overestimating short-term achievements can sometimes overshadow the beauty of the process. Every setback, every detour is an opportunity for learning and growth. Embrace the journey with all its twists and turns, savouring the lessons it unfolds.
4. Defying your Inner Saboteurs: The inner saboteurs might be whispering doubts about progress, urging you to abandon the path you've embarked upon. Acknowledge these voices, but don't let them dictate the narrative. Replace self-criticism with self-compassion. Understand that setbacks are not failures but chances to learn, create gifts or opportunities and help build resilience.
5. Action Points for Momentum: If you find yourself facing inaction or setbacks, consider the following action points to reignite momentum:
Reflect and Reframe: Take a moment to reflect on setbacks, reframing them as opportunities for learning rather than reasons for discouragement.
Set Realistic Milestones: Break down larger goals into manageable, realistic milestones. Celebrate each achievement along the way.
Stay accountable: Accountability is a powerful motivator. Share your goals with someone you trust – a friend, a family member, or even work with a coach. Having someone to share your journey with can provide both support and an external perspective.
Reconnect with Purpose: Revisit the why behind your goals. Reconnecting with your deeper purpose can reignite passion and commitment.
Looking ahead
If you're navigating through a maze of goals and setbacks, feeling the weight of your inner saboteurs, remember: you're not alone. If you resonate with the idea of overestimating short-term achievements and underestimating long-term accomplishments, consider booking a call with me.
As a coach, my purpose is to guide individuals through these intricacies, helping you navigate the path towards understanding yourself, and what meaningful, enjoyable success looks like to you.
January is not just a month; it's a checkpoint in a journey of growth and self-discovery. Remember there is ALWAYS room to grow. Embrace the process, celebrate the wins, and remember that every step, no matter how small, is a step forward.