Anti-sabotage strategies to set (and hit) your goals

In my last blog post, I shared how traditional goal setting can sometimes leave us feeling stuck or defeated. For some, the pressure of big, ambitious goals can feel like an insurmountable mountain, especially when we’re not getting the results we expected. But here’s something to remember: sometimes, it’s not the goals themselves that are the issue—it’s the inner saboteurs we all have.

These saboteurs are mental patterns or self-limiting beliefs that show up in various forms: self-doubt, perfectionism, procrastination, or a fear of failure. They can significantly impact our ability to set and achieve goals by distorting our view of what’s possible or even paralysing us with negative thoughts.

Meet Sam (and her controller)

Meet Sam. She’s a senior leader at a growing company, deeply motivated to succeed.

Every year, Sam sets ambitious goals for herself and her team, with big hopes of making meaningful progress. But over time, she finds herself hitting the same roadblocks: overwhelm, frustration, and a creeping sense that she is the only one that can get sh*t done. But she has a team, and every time the pressure is on and the goals are too far to reach, she goes back to familiar patters. She is short with those who don’t live up to her standards, micromanages projects and tasks that can be competently done by others and takes on the burden of almost everything herself - as she is the only one she really trusts. When she falls short of her goals, she’s left questioning why things never seem to go as planned.

Through our coaching sessions, we uncovered that Sam’s saboteur, the Controller, was causing the biggest disruptions in her goal-setting process. Let me paint a picture of what this looked like for Sam.

The Controller Saboteur
Sam’s Controller saboteur had a tight grip on her every move. She needed to control every aspect of her goals, every deadline, every task. She would spend hours creating the perfect plan, meticulously mapping out every detail. However, when things didn’t go as expected—whether due to external factors, because the plan was simply too rigid or it relied on the imput of others —Sam would become overwhelmed and frustrated.

Her constant need for control made her feel exhausted, and instead of moving forward, she often found herself stuck in an endless cycle of adjustments and tweaks while butting up against those in her team, questioning why they were not more like her and led to some serious damage to relationships with key team members.

The constant struggle with her saboteur became clear: she was setting herself up for overwhelm and frustration, not success. In the next part of our work together, we focused on addressing this saboteur and helping Sam break free from its grip.

Does this resonate with you?! Are you thinking that your own controller saboteur may be impacting your progress more than you realised? Or maybe you don’t have a controller saboteur - but you know someone who does - a boss , a team-mate or a client?

Well now I want to introduce some alternative ways you can help yourself, and others, with goal setting approaches which minimise the saboteur impact you are dealing with!

Tackle YOUR Saboteurs - with the right goals

Just like Sam, your inner saboteurs may be sabotaging your ability to set and achieve goals that truly matter to you. By identifying which saboteurs are influencing your mindset, you can start to adjust your approach and set goals that align with your unique strengths and challenges

Table showing how each saboteur interferes with goal setting

Saboteurs matched with best goal setting strategies to mitigate their impact

So, what can you do to align your goals to combat your saboteur’s tendencies?

  1. Identify your saboteur(s): Start by reflecting on which saboteur resonates most with you. You might find that you experience multiple saboteurs in different contexts—this is perfectly normal.

  2. Tailor your approach: Once you know your saboteur tendencies, use the strategies above to adjust your goal-setting process. For example, if you're a Hyper-Vigilant, the WOOP method combined with visualisation exercises can help you focus on positive outcomes instead of obsessing over potential obstacles.

  3. Take small steps: No matter which saboteur you’re dealing with, small, consistent steps are key. The 1% Rule and micro-habits work wonders in building momentum while keeping you focused on progress rather than perfection.

  4. Engage support: Whether it’s a trusted accountability partner or a team member, sharing your goals with others can provide the encouragement and feedback necessary to stay on track.

By using this saboteur-centric approach, you can create a goal-setting process that works for YOU—one that acknowledges your unique challenges and leverages your strengths.

Ready to discover how your saboteurs may be affecting your goals?

Take the PQ assessment today to uncover which saboteurs are hindering your goal-setting process. Once you know what’s getting in your way, you can start using tailored strategies to set and achieve goals that align with your strengths and values. Drop me a note with your results and we can arrange a complimentary consultation


What do you do if goal setting doesn’t work for you (or someone in your team)?